Health Minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa moots a digital system that can capture all digital information in MOH facilities, adding that MOH’s digital pilot project in Negeri Sembilan will be expedited.
Deputy Health Minister Lukanisman Awang Sauni says Negeri Sembilan will act as a pilot location to test the government’s electronic medical records rollout plan, with plans for expansion to multiple hospitals and clinics in 2024.
Selangor Public Health & Environment Exco Jamaliah Jamaluddin says the state government is considering turning Selangkah into a super app to encompass services from health care to parking payments, but won't rush the process to preserve public confidence.
The Galen Centre urges the next health minister to convene district and state town halls to identify unique health needs, adding that Sabah and Sarawak need greater autonomy over health.
Raja Permaisuri Bainun Hospital (HRPB) says a patient’s medical record is "government property" and that providing copies of medical records and information related to a patient, including ambulance calls, to a lawyer without a court order is prohibited.