13 November 2019 Malaysia MOT, MOH Pass The Buck On Commercial Drivers’ Medical Test GPs have a responsibility toward their patients and the old medical test format does not reflect that.
18 October 2019 Letter What MOT’s U-Turn on Commercial Drivers’ Medical Exam Means To Malaysia — Dr Sivanaesan Letchumanan The Transport Ministry unilaterally reversed its decision on a new medical exam for commercial drivers.
18 October 2019 Malaysia MMA Pushes RM80 Medical Test For Commercial Drivers Despite JPJ U-Turn MMA asks GPs to use the new form for licence renewals for record purposes, but to sign the old form for the drivers.
14 October 2019 Malaysia JPJ U-Turns On Medical Exam After Drivers Protest The nine-page form only applies to new applications, whereas renewal of the vocational driving licence will use the old one-page template.
14 October 2019 Malaysia JPJ Risking Road Safety With Medical Exam U-Turn, Doctors Say MMA highlights previous complaints with MACC over the old one-page form used to renew one’s vocational driving licence.
10 October 2019 Letter Open Letter To Minister Of Transport — Dr John Teo Is RM30 or RM40 sustainable for any doctor to run a basic quality service?
10 October 2019 Malaysia Doctors Defend RM80 Fee For Complex JPJ Medical Exam The new medical exam is eight pages long, twice the length of the old form.
10 October 2019 Malaysia RM80 Medical Exam Fee Is CSR, MMA Says The doctors’ group actually proposed RM120 initially.