It is unclear if Khairy Jamaluddin will table the revised tobacco bill for second reading after tabling the PSSC report on Thursday, before Budget 2023 is tabled on Friday.
“While we take our hats off to the Minister for his determination to one day totally eradicate the smoking habit, it must be ensured that in the course of doing so, the generations of tomorrow will not come to regret the decisions we make today” -- sixth Chief Justice of Malaysia, Zaki Azmi.
FPMPAM wants MOH to study the differences in the risk profiles of all non-combustion nicotine products before seeking to ban vape, alongside smoked tobacco, for future generations.
Malaysia’s health, science & innovation parliament committee will be meeting New Zealand’s health minister, parliament health committee, as well as an anti-tobacco group and a vaping trade group end September to share best practices on the tobacco GEG.
The women & children’s PSC – worried about the scope of enforcement powers under the Control of Tobacco Product & Smoking Bill – wants to check if the bill complies with UN's CRC.
Health PSC recommends codifying 3-year and 10-year mandatory evaluations of government preparedness for the GEG and effectiveness of the tobacco control law.
The Control of Tobacco Product and Smoking Bill 2022 criminalises the purchase, possession, and use of cigarettes or vape, or smoking/ vaping, by individuals born from Jan 1, 2007 -- aged 15 or below today -- with a max RM5,000 fine/ max RM2,500 compound.