The College of Physicians Malaysia would like to thank Health Minister Dzulkefly Ahmad for the successful amendment of the Medical Act 1971. We laud the dedicated efforts of the minister in pursuing a solution which will greatly strengthen postgraduate medical training in Malaysia.
These amendments mark a great leap forward in Malaysian health care by fostering mutual trust and respect within the profession. The College envisions this as a big step towards self-regulation within the profession, which will only serve to enhance the standard and quality of health care in the country.
The College is steadfastly committed to the cause of training subspecialists and specialists in internal medicine, and will continue to assist the other specialties under the umbrella of the College, such as psychiatry, rehabilitative medicine, and oncology.
The College welcomes the opportunity to participate in efforts towards devising a long-term synergistic strategy. Malaysia will be stronger and stands to gain when everyone comes together and work towards a better future.
It remains crucial that we build upon this momentum and collaborate with all stakeholders to support the minister to ensure the effective implementation of these reforms.
This will go a long way in ensuring that Malaysia continues to maintain its excellent international reputation in quality health care and ensure that the medical fraternity fulfils its potential in becoming global leaders in medical care.
Editor’s note: The Medical (Amendment) Bill 2024 has only passed the Dewan Rakyat so far. It has yet to pass the Dewan Negara, receive royal assent, or be gazetted into an Act.
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