KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 28 — An underwire bra caused life-threatening injuries to a woman when she was shot as the force of the shotgun pellets pushed the wire into her body.
The Washington Post reported yesterday that the bra wire of the 39-year-old gunshot victim, who was admitted to a trauma centre in British Columbia, had horizontally transected her stomach in half, removed the left lobe of her liver, lacerated her diaphragm, and nicked her aorta, according to an article in the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia.
“When the surgeon opened her, this thing just literally sprang up at 90 degrees,” University of British Columbia anesthesiologist Laura Duggan told The Washington Post.
The Washington Post reported that the patient spent almost a fortnight in the intensive care unit even though she made a complete recovery.
Her life-threatening injuries were due to the bra wire, not the bullet fragments lodged in her chest and abdomen after she was shot at close range with a shotgun.
“I couldn’t believe the sharpness on those edges, man, on the underwire,” Duggan was quoted saying. “It was like a scythe, truly.”